Creative studio

that seeks to pioneer new ways to share the unshakable love of God through creativity and art.

When the earth was dark and formless, God said, “Let there be light”. This light touches all around us, and takes on the very breath of God; inhale, and see God’s vision light up in your heart.

Each artwork is meant to bring the light of Jesus Christ into every space it occupies, birthed forth from the artist’s quiet retreat into the presence of Jesus, offering a glimpse into a personal Emmaus journey with the Lord.

Come, breathe in His light, and be loved by Him.

embrace by his Love

Poetry Book
'The Hands Through Which It Passes'

SGD $22


The Hands Through Which It Passes

is the first installment of a themed poetry collection.

The stories you will read are centred around love encounters of the authors with Jesus. The theme follow the journey of : Love, Fear and Back to Love.

We acknowledge that life does not automatically iron itself out once we accept Christ. In the same measure, accepting Christ does not make all thing in life rosy and smooth sailing.

Here, we untie the knots in our heart, ride on the faiths of others, and take heart that fear can be overcome by Love.

Here where we find Love, Here we find Jesus.

Material : Stainless steel Mirror + Acrylic Dimension : 271mm Diameter x 85mm Depth. Weight : 5kg
SGD $1050



It all started with this verse:

"Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it , and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him and he disappeared from their sight. they asked each other, 'were not our hearts burning within us within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us?' (Luke 24:30-32)

Jesus' giving of broken bread from His nail-scarred hands - this was what ignited the recognition in the hearts of the disciples present and opened their spiritual eyes to the Saviour in front of them. These hands are memorialised on the mirrored surface that serves of reminder of how our Heavenly Father wholly loves the imperfections we see reflected.

Receive | 领 受 is a light sculpture that begins with remembering Jesus and His finished work at the cross. Because of love, Jesus willingly went to the cross for us. It's that easy - shan't we just open our hands, and receive?

Poetry Book
'The Hands Through Which It Passes'

SGD $22


The Hands Through Which It Passes

is the first installment of a themed poetry collection.

The stories you will read are centred around love encounters of the authors with Jesus. The theme follow the journey of : Love, Fear and Back to Love.

We acknowledge that life does not automatically iron itself out once we accept Christ. In the same measure, accepting Christ does not make all thing in life rosy and smooth sailing.

Here, we untie the knots in our heart, ride on the faiths of others, and take heart that fear can be overcome by Love.

Here where we find Love, Here we find Jesus.

Material : Stainless steel Mirror + Acrylic Dimension : 271mm Diameter x 85mm Depth. Weight : 5kg
SGD $1050



It all started with this verse:

"Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it , and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him and he disappeared from their sight. they asked each other, 'were not our hearts burning within us within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us?' (Luke 24:30-32)

Jesus' giving of broken bread from His nail-scarred hands - this was what ignited the recognition in the hearts of the disciples present and opened their spiritual eyes to the Saviour in front of them. These hands are memorialised on the mirrored surface that serves of reminder of how our Heavenly Father wholly loves the imperfections we see reflected.

Receive | 领 受 is a light sculpture that begins with remembering Jesus and His finished work at the cross. Because of love, Jesus willingly went to the cross for us. It's that easy - shan't we just open our hands, and receive?

Home in His Presence

We all find ourselves in valley moments now and again, stumbling in the dark through disappointments pains, insecurities, loss, moments of deep darkness that threatens to overwhelm and pull us under.

Yet throught in all, Jesus chooses to love you, over and over again. He is closer to walk with Him, and He will aseend into the light with you.

'Home In His Presence' is the second light sculpture in the light inhaler series, an embodiment of a lifetime of walking with the Lord, one step at a time. It is embodied by this spiral staircase: ascent or desent, He is always holding your hand tightly, taking each step with you.

"That's right. Because I, your God, have a firm grip on you and I'm not letting go. I'm telling you, 'Don't panic. I'm right here to help you.' - Isaiah 41:13

Take the first step, rejoice in the snall wins. And come home, into His loving presence.

Materials : Stainless Steel + Acrylic Dimension :(L) 375mm X (W)107mm X (H)155mm

SGD $275

Postcrads / Posters

17 x 12 cm Postcard - 310 gsm textured paper - Set of 3

Fear Not My Beloved

A3 Poster, 310 gsm paper. SGD $15.

17 x 12cm Postcard, 310 gsm textured paper, Set of 3.
SGD $12

17 x 12 cm Postcard - 310 gsm textured paper - Set of 3

The Lord Is My Good Good Shephed

A3 Poster, 310 gsm paper. SGD $15.

17 x 12cm Postcard , 310 gsm textured paper, Set of 3. SGD $12

17 x 12 cm Postcard - 310 gsm textured paper - Set of 3

Jesus Loved Me This I Know

A3 Poster, 310 gsm paper. SGD $15. 17*12 cm Postcard, 310 gs, textured paper, Set of 3.
SGD $12


I Would Still Have Chosen To Go To the Cross Just for You - Jesus

A3 Poster, 310 gsm paper with iron-on gold fonts, SGD $35


You Are Always With Me( 1/2 )

14.5 x 20.5 cm Postcard, 310 gsm textured paper, Set of 2. SGD $10

You Are Always With Me( 2/2 )

14.5 x 20.5 cm Postcard, 310 gsm textured paper, Set of 2. SGD $10


Contact Us

We are trying to live the abundance life, doing life with Abba's beloveds face to face and have fun in the midst of valleys, summits and the in-between seasons, Hence we are not into asking for your email for subscription or newsletter, cause we really don't have time for that.

However should you have any inquiries , we are reachable at Hei@lightinhaler.con